Old wive's tale about sexual intercourse and labor is dismissed
One of the reasons that sex was thought to help was because semen contains prostaglandin, which can start labor in its synthetic form.
Aaron Pederson |
One of the reasons that sex was thought to help was because semen contains prostaglandin, which can start labor in its synthetic form.
Aaron Pederson |
The infants who were were more likely to be diagnosed with the condition had a higher pitched cry and it also tended to vary in tones than the other 18...
Aaron Pederson |
These professionals concluded that tiny female tots raised by a mom who worried all the time were more likely to experience stress as kids and anxiety as teenagers.
Aaron Pederson |
If her contractions are coming less than every five minutes and persisting for more than one minute, pack your bags and head to the hospital.
Aaron Pederson |
Although she's undoubtedly overjoyed that she's going to be a mom, there are going to certainly be times where she is feeling emotional and even sad.
Aaron Pederson |
In fact, a recent study conducted by researchers at Philips AVENT, a parenting and baby products manufacturer, showed that three-quarters of females that recently gave birth lost touch with women...
Aaron Pederson |
Swimming, brisk walking and indoor cycling are all perfectly acceptable forms of exercise to do when preggers.
Aaron Pederson |
A recent study conducted by two Yale School of Medicine professors found that cell phone radiation during those nine months may harm that bun in the oven's brain activity.
Aaron Pederson |
A recent Danish study concentrated on 336 little ones and concluded that tiny tots whose parents had asthma and who were given acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol, during their first...
Aaron Pederson |
The analysis demonstrated that 35 percent of the mommies to be in the study listed fatigue and sleep issues as the main cause they needed to spend time away from...
Aaron Pederson |
You can't force a youngster to nap, but there are some things that you can do to make it easier for him to drift off into dreamland.
Aaron Pederson |
Tiny tots should always sleep on their back.
Aaron Pederson |
If you don't want your infant throwing a fit, then make sure you bring plenty of items ranging from a teething toy to snacks to books.
Aaron Pederson |