You don't have to be a rocket scientist to make sure your wife has a good diet during her pregnancy

Among other foods, fruits and veggies are good for the mom and baby.

Aaron Pederson |

One of the best things that you can do as a father-to-be is to make sure that your wife is following a healthy diet. Sure, she may have fast food and milkshake cravings, but, although consuming that type of food is acceptable once a while, doing so on a regular basis isn't wise.

Even though you may have good intentions, knowing what your wife should be eating and how much of it every day isn't easy. Luckily, WebMD has some tips for fathers like you, and trust us, they aren't hard to follow. Your wife will need:

1) Six to 11 servings of grains
Whole wheat and similar grains are best because they have the highest amount of fiber. Think about offering mommy-to-be a yogurt parfait with fresh fruit, bran cereal, and yogurt.

2) Four servings of dairy products
If your wife isn't asking you to pour her a big glass of milk every day, that's okay. There are plenty of other foods she can eat to make sure she's getting enough calcium. Once again, yogurt is really healthy as are mixed fruit smoothies.

3) Three servings of lean protein
Meat, poultry, eggs, and nuts are all protein-rich foods. However, do be careful that whatever you are serving is cooked all the way through. Food that is served rare has a higher chance of developing salmonella, which can be deadly.

4) Around 0.4 milligrams of folic acid
This vitamin is used to prevent conditions like spina bifida in fetuses. Your wife can get her folic acid in pill form. However, it's also found in dark leafy veggies and legumes like black-eyed peas.

If you have any questions about what a healthy diet during pregnancy consists of, don't hesitate to ask your wife's OBGYN doctor during one of her prenatal health visits.

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