Want to get pregnant? Then sit back and take a chill pill say Israeli scientists

One scientist named Jo Czamanski stated that many females who are having IVF treatments convince themselves that they can't become preggers because they don't want to be disappointed if IVF is not successful.

Aaron Pederson |

If you're trying to get pregnant by using fertility treatments, you've probably been told by friends, family and even your doctor that you should make sure that you don't get too stressed out during the period when you're attempting to conceive. But, that can be easier said than done, right? Finding out that you're having difficulty creating a little bun in-the-oven is enough to cause anxiety in anyone.



However, you may have a new reason to chill out a bit as scientists at Ben Gurion University in Israel conducted some research and concluded that relaxation methods including stress management counseling and visualization techniques may raise the chances of getting pregnant. Researchers observed these effects a group of women trying to conceive.

Of those female participants undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) who also partook in talk therapy sessions, 88 percent conceived compared to 60 percent of the women who simply were receiving IVF treatments.



You're probably wondering what type of counseling this study involved. According to sources such as The Daily Telegraph, therapists told women to engage in breathing exercises, muscle relaxation activities and even trained their mind to think about spending time in a relaxing place. In fact, many of the hopeful mommies-to-be said that they visualized being on the beach.



One scientist named Jo Czamanski stated that many females who are having IVF treatments convince themselves that they can't become preggers because they don't want to be disappointed if IVF is not successful.



"I'm never going to be a mother," Czamansk said many of the women lamented to her. "I think a lot of the negative thinking is preventing disappointment for them," she said. "It's to stop them being disappointed if it does fail."

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